659 Brock Squadron - SCHEDULE
[ click on any activity below, to see details ]
Routine Order, Letters, Permission Forms, Kit Lists, Maps
Gliding & Annual Practice Saturday, 23Apr/16, ACAD Saturday 30Apr/16,
CANCELLED - LHQ Parade Night, is cancelled, due to weather, Thursday, 24Mar/16
CANCELLED - LHQ Parade Night, is cancelled, due to weather, Thursday, 24Mar/16
March Break Trip to Ottawa 11-14Mar/16
Update 09Mar/16: MANDATORY MEDICATION FORM has been uploaded. Please review, complete, sign and return to Squadron.
Review both documents above. From Parent Letter (Document #1), please sign, detach and return Permission Slip, from bottom of page 1 and retain Covering Letter and Kit List. From Parent Permission Form & Release of Liability (Document #2), please complete, sign, have witnessed (pages #3-4) and return, to RCAC 659 Brock Squadron, by DEADLINE Thursday, 18Feb/16,
along with $50 Cash Reservation Fee.
Review both documents above. From Parent Letter (Document #1), please sign, detach and return Permission Slip, from bottom of page 1 and retain Covering Letter and Kit List. From Parent Permission Form & Release of Liability (Document #2), please complete, sign, have witnessed (pages #3-4) and return, to RCAC 659 Brock Squadron, by DEADLINE Thursday, 18Feb/16,
along with $50 Cash Reservation Fee.

Fall FTX & Ground School - Permission Slip & Kit List 23-25 October 2015.pdf | |
File Size: | 36 kb |
File Type: |
ACAD = Air Cadet Activity Day (CFB Borden) Annual = Annual Inspection Presentation Blackdown = Cadet Training Centre (located at CFB Borden) CFB = Canadian Forces Base Civvies = Civilian Clothing CO = Commanding Officer FTX = Field Training Exercise LHQ = Local Headquarters NCO = Non-Commissioned Officer OPI = Officer of Primary Interest (Official Person in Charge) TACSTC = Trenton Air Cadet Summer Training Centre |
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Royal Canadian Legions:
Branch #135, Beaverton, Ontario
Branch #141, Sunderland, Ontario
Branch #356, Sutton West, Ontario
Ray Twinney Recreation Complex - Newmarket, Ontario
TACTSC (Trenton Air Cadet Summer Training Centre) - Located at CFB Trenton
Blackdown Cadet Training Centre ( at CFB Borden )
Camp Kirk - Kirkfield, Ontario